zellige tiles

Moroccan tiles, also known as Zellige tiles or zillij, are a true Moroccan treasure. This ancient tradition has been passed down from generation to generation, with only the most skilled craftsmen capable of creating these intricate geometric works of art.

Crafted entirely by hand, our Zellige tiles start as raw clay and are transformed into exquisite mosaic patterns. These tiles are not only perfect for enhancing your kitchen backsplash and adorning your walls and floors but also add a touch of Moroccan charm to fireplaces, fountains, and even swimming pools. The beauty of Moroccan Zellige tiles has served as a profound source of inspiration for architects and designers, leading them to create bespoke, one-of-a-kind masterpieces.


Clay in Fes, Morocco: Crafting Zellige Tiles

Clay is a fine-grained natural soil material that has been unearthed from the small mountains of Fes, Morocco for many centuries. Our journey begins by extracting small pieces of clay-rich earth from these ancient mountains to ensure the highest quality. In the past, artisans relied solely on their hands and basic tools to obtain clay, but nowadays, we employ large machines to streamline the process.

Once we have gathered the desired amount of clay, we transport it to our factory where the production of exquisite Zellige tiles begins. The first step involves carefully mixing water with the clay until we achieve the perfect dough-like consistency. Then, the exciting part commences as we mold the clay into the specific sizes requested by our clients – and it's worth noting that we can create tiles in any size you desire. Afterward, we allow the molded clay to rest and dry under the warm sun.

The final result is what you see in the picture: sturdy shapes crafted from pure clay, ready to be colored and installed in your home.

Zellige Clay, Fes, Morocco – Where Artistry Meets Clay to Create Exceptional Zellige Tiles.

Traditional oven

How Traditional Zellige Tiles are Baked in Morocco

As we all know, the process of crafting traditional Zellige tiles in Morocco is intricate and highly delicate, with one particularly crucial step: baking.

For the baking process, we utilize traditional ovens. We kindle the fire at the base and arrange the Zellige tiles in layers. Each layer corresponds to a specific temperature, signifying that if you desire a darker hue, the tiles are placed in the lower layer. For a medium shade, they occupy the middle layer, while a lighter tone necessitates placement in the uppermost layer.

In our craftsmanship, we strictly adhere to the use of traditional materials, from the fire source to the Zellige tiles themselves. This dedication ensures that we deliver the finest Moroccan Zellige tiles available.